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Academic and vocational guidance

Vocational Guidance consists of assessing an individual's skills, abilities and areas of interest, in order to guide the process of choosing a course, field of study or profession. Purposes Provide greater knowledge of the options and opportunities available. Promote self-knowledge and contribute to the consolidation of ideas and expectations. Enable conscious, adequate and satisfactory decision-making [...]

Psychological evaluation

In this process, we collect information about the psychological functioning and / or cognitive abilities of an individual through the application of tests, batteries, etc. Purposes Evaluate and characterize the different aspects of the personality. Assess cognitive-intellectual development. Gather the necessary information to make a diagnosis and outline an intervention plan. Who is it for: [...]

Psychological support

Psychological Support is a form of therapy in which the patient seeks, with the help and guidance of the psychologist, to express his problems and anxieties, trying to investigate the causes and find solutions for his discomfort and suffering. It is done in a short period of time, with a pre-established number of sessions, focused [...]

Psychopedagogical support

Psychopedagogical support aims to assess and help each student with their individual struggles, which may be related to failure or school difficulties, such as lack of ability to concentrate, ineffective study method and mismanagement of study time. Through this support, an evaluation is carried out to identify the problems and an intervention plan is designed, [...]


Psychotherapy consists of a set of techniques aimed to improve or treat psychological and / or behavioral problems. Psychotherapy is a resource for dealing with difficulties and suffering, but also a privileged space for personal growth, for the evolution and resolution of problems and limitations. Purposes Enable the treatment of pathological and / or limiting [...]

Play Therapy

Play therapy is an intervention technique aimed at children with emotional problems. Purposes: Enable the child's affective and cognitive development Who is it for: Kids Prices 40 € - First session * 30 € - Following sessions * * each session lasts 30 minutes